With Flexitive, your team can create and easily scale designs containing MP4 videos for Display Ads, Digital Signage, Website Content, and Social Media posts.
When creating display ads that include a video element, you should prepare the video based on the specifications for the platform where the design will be displayed. Here are some recommended steps to prepare the video file before starting your design:
- Confirm your Platform Supports MP4 Assets
- Checking the Codecs of your MP4
- Reduce Video File Size
- Video Controls in Flexitive
- Auto-Play on Mobile
Confirm your Platform Supports MP4 Assets
Not all platforms accept designs with MP4 video elements. Before starting your design, confirm which platform your team will use to serve video display ads and confirm they allow MP4 assets.
Checking the Codecs of your MP4
MP4s displayed in Flexitive designs will need to use the H.264 codec. To check if your MP4 is using the correct codecs, use the following;
On Windows, you can use the VLC Media Player or the Windows Media Player.
- VLC Media Player Codec Guide
- Windows Player Codec Guide
- Scroll to ‘How do I tell which codec was used to compress a file and what format a file is in?’
On Mac, you can use the ‘Get Info’ option in the finder.
If your video is using a codec other than H.264, you will need to request a new video with the correct codec or adjust your current video to use the correct codec.
On Mac, you can use the QuickTime Player to change the codec of your video to H.264.
Compressing an MP4 Video
Videos are inherently larger files than most image assets and can add a lot of weight to your final design size. This could cause your design to exceed the maximum allowable file size requirement for the platform serving the design and might affect your ad serving fees.
Here are some recommendations to keep your file size as small as possible:
- Resolution of the Video - Usually, a video being used in a design will be displayed as a very small thumbnail. As a result, it is generally recommended that you reduce the resolution of a video to better match the size it will be displayed in.
If the video element is sized and positioned to fill the entire background, consider resizing the video so it only occupies a portion of the canvas. For example, limit the video to a quarter of the canvas. You can also upload a mask overlay to provide more creative options.
Flexitive Examples of masks to help limit video size
- Cut the Video to the Shortest Possible Length - If a video is only going to be visible for a short period of time, it is generally recommended that you cut the video down to the length of time that it will be displayed for.
For example, if I have a 30-second video that will only be displayed on my design for 5 seconds, it is recommended that I cut out the portions of the video that will not be displayed and upload only the 5-second clip that I need to Flexitive.
- Reduce the image quality of the video - MP4 Video compression can be complicated, but there are tools you can use to help. One example of a free tool you can use to help compress an MP4 video is Handbrake. Handbrake for Windows or Mac can be downloaded here.
Video Controls in Flexitive
Many of the changes you can make to a regular image asset within Flexitive can also be made to a video, such as changing position, applying animations, and setting contain/fill to crop the video. In addition, you can make changes specific for videos in the Video Settings panel, such as changing the settings for;
Autoplay and Mobile Devices
When displaying a design containing an MP4 Video, you may notice setting the autoplay option to On does not have any effect on a mobile or tablet device.
If your design has a video set to AutoPlay, and the design is being viewed on an Android/iOS smartphone or tablet, you need to ensure your video sound is set to Mute. Autoplay on mobile is only allowed with muted sound. When the design is displayed, a mute button will appear. If someone viewing the design taps the mute button, the video will begin playing sound.