Flexitive designs can be exported as a static image JPG or PNG. 

Before exporting your design, you will need to Publish your design. Learn more about Publishing your Design.

Export As Static JPG or PNG

Under the Export panel, select the 'Fixed' tab. Under the Fixed tab, choose either Export As Static JPG or Static PNG

Static JPG

Static PNG

Once you've selected Static JPG or Static PNG, you can set the following properties:

Export Properties

Export Options

Static Image QualityJPG

Export 2x size images


Add 1-pixel border


Download Files

Next, select the sizes that you would like to export and click Download File (.ZIP) at the bottom of the Export panel. This will export a ZIP file containing JPG or PNG images of all of the sizes you selected from your project.

If there are animations applied to your design, Flexitive will export a static image of the last frame of your animation sequence for the design.

Static image exports are Offline Files and are only available under the Offline Files tab. Learn more about Offline v Live Files.