One of the many ad servers that Flexitive supports is AdWords. When building design for AdWords, it is important to be aware of some of the limitations that AdWords sets compared to some other ad servers. Before building design for AdWords, we recommend you check out our article on Using Web Fonts with AdWords Exports, and AdWords support article on Uploading Image Ads In Different Sizes.

Unlike some of the other ad servers, AdWords requires you specify your click-through URL when you upload the design, even if you set the URL in Flexitive. For more information on click-through URL's, please see our article on click-through URLs.

How do I upload a design to AdWords?

The first step in uploading a design to AdWords is preparing the design export for that ad server. To prepare your design for AdWords you must select AdWords as your ad server from the Export menu in Flexitive.

After you export the design as a .zip, it is time to upload it to AdWords. The following video details the uploading process:

To learn more about uploading design to AdWords, look at Google's knowledge base.

What happens to my click-through URLs?

After you upload your design to AdWords, you need to specify your click-through URL. AdWords only supports one click-through URL. Even if you set individual element click-throughs in Flexitive, these URLs will not be available if you upload your design to AdWords. Once the design is uploaded you need to set your destination URL (or Final URL). At the time of writing this, you can do this from the left-hand panel in AdWords:

Enter your URL in the Final URL box. AdWords also supports including tracking information in this final URL. For more information, check out Google's Knowledge Base.