Image Asset Quality

When you export a design as an HTML5 ZIP from Flexitive, PNG and JPG image assets in your designs will automatically be compressed and cropped to the lowest possible file size without sacrificing image quality.

If you would like to adjust the compression level of the images within your HTML5 file, you can use the 'Image Asset Quality' field in the Export panel. 

Increasing the value for 'Image Asset Quality' will apply less compression to the image assets in your design, resulting in better image quality. 

Reducing the 'Image Asset Quality' will apply more compression to the image assets in your design. This will result in a smaller file size for the assets in your design.

Image asset quality will affect all JPG and PNG image files in your exports. SVG and GIF images are not compressed when exported, and therefore changes to the 'Image Asset Quality' field will not have an effect on those files.

The default value for Image Asset Quality is 95.

Backup Image Quality

When you export a design as an HTML5 ZIP from Flexitive, one of the files included in your export will be a static JPG Backup Image of the last frame of your animation sequence. For more information, check out our article on Backup Images.

You can adjust the compression level of the Backup Image using the 'Backup Image Quality' field. 

By increasing Backup Image Quality, the compression of the backup images will decrease and the file size will increase. When the 'Backup Image Quality' is set to 100, the JPG in your backup image is not compressed. Reducing the the 'Backup Image Quality' will increase the image's compression and reduce the file size of the exported JPG.

The default value for Backup Image Quality is 95 for any Flexitive export.

Static Image Quality

In Flexitive, you can export a Static JPG or Static PDF of your design. Static JPG and PDF exports of Flexitive designs are automatically generated using the last frame of your animation sequence. 

You can control the compression level of a Static JPG or Static PDF export using the 'Static Image Quality'. 

As you increase the image quality towards 100, the compression level of the design will be reduced, and file size will increase. Inversely, reducing the image quality towards 0 increases the compression level of your design and the file size will decrease.

The default value for Image Quality is 95 for any Flexitive export.