When you request a Free Trial of Flexitive, you will be sent an Account Activation email. This email should arrive in your inbox within 15 minutes of your trial request. Using the link in this email, you can activate your Flexitive account and set your password.

If you don't receive an Account Activation Email after requesting a trial, there may be a few different causes.

1. The Account Activation Email Went to Your Spam/Junk Folder

If you are having trouble finding your account activation email in your inbox, it may have been filtered into your Junk or Spam folder. We recommend checking your Junk and Spam folder.

If your Account Activation email was filtered to your Spam folder, we recommend that you label the email as Not Spam. This helps make sure that any future communications that we have, including support requests, are not filtered into your spam folder.

2. A Firewall is Blocking the Email

In the past, Firewalls have been known to block Account Activation emails. If you have a Firewall in place and you have not received an account activation email, then we recommend setting up an exception for your Firewall to not block emails from [email protected], and then to request a new trial.

If you have any questions, you can always contact a member of the Flexitive Support team at [email protected].